
SnowW.Wwhite is a bilingual (German/English) artist living in the UK for more years than she cares to remember. She has sung and made music in choirs, ensembles and on her own both in Germany and the UK. SnowW.Wwhite has created quite an interest in the martial, neofolk/pop circles as she is one of the few female projects, though live she will have support from 4 or 5 very close friends.

Martial Pop at its most militaristic and haunting. “Wonderland” is a controversial album by a controversial performer in a controversial genre. SnowW.Wwhite is a uniformed musician marching to a beat that varies from ambient to bleak battle scenes where the sound of war vies with the cries of men for our attention. Wonderland combines military drums with playful to dramatic melodies.

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